The benefits of eating an apple a day

Benefits of apple According to a study by the National Institute of Health in the United States, eating an apple a day can be beneficial for our body and to improve our health in general. To reach this conclusion, a survey of 8,400 people were conducted, of which 10% ate an apple daily. This same … Read more

Myths about healthy eating you should know

Myths about healthy eating Do you know according to the advice of modern nutritionists, the ratio of fruits and vegetables in the diet for better athletic performance should be 4 to 1, but not 50/50. Here are a few myths about healthy eating you need to know Fruit vs vegetables Many of us do not … Read more

Surprising health benefits of cherries

Health benefits of cherries The benefits of cherries for the body are extraordinary. The fresh cherries can neutralize intestinal and dysenteric bacilli. Cherry also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the body, since it contains folic acid, which activates blood flow to the brain.  I will add that the healing properties of … Read more

Blueberries health benefits proven by the latest research.

Blueberries health benefits Do you know that Blueberries can stop the development of cancer cells? not only these blueberries also provides health benefits for our immune system, nervous system, cardiovascular system and maintain a healthy weight. In this article, we will discuss “blueberries health benefits by Your Wellness Geek”. Blueberry composition Vitamins in 100 gram … Read more

How to stop a rotten tooth smell permanently

Rotten tooth smell The rotten teeth are only teeth with cavities widespread and result of demineralization of tooth enamel caused by acid bacteria. A rotten tooth or tooth decay is not only an adult problem, but it can also occur in infants, toddlers, and children. Sometimes it can cause TMJ due to excessive grinding of … Read more

Benefits of grapes for healthy skin and body

Benefits of grapes The benefits of grapes are well known for a long time. Usually, grapes are used as an ingredient in recipes or syrup. In the European region, grapes have been cultivated for about 6,000 years. This shrub plant typically grows in clear, sunny areas with little precipitation. There are about 60 grape varieties … Read more

Black pepper for men

Black pepper benefits for men Black pepper acts as an aphrodisiac and promotes men’s sexual health. Black pepper has a restorative effect on the whole body. The benefits of black pepper promote a healthy lifestyle. There are many factors that affect a man’s sexual ability. Sometimes sexual desire weakens for reasons related to diet or some … Read more